CEO Josh Dean’s commentary on Martyn’s Law

It’s a welcome development that Martyn’s Law has finally been introduced in Parliament to help keep the UK public safe in and around venues. Its introduction will honour Martyn Hett’s legacy following the tragic loss of his life and 21 others in the Manchester Arena bombing in 2017. Once the legislation passes through parliament the indications are that any establishment with a capacity over 200 will need to increase preparedness for and protection from a terrorist attack.
Specifically, Martyn’s Law mandates that venues develop anti-terrorism plans, train staff in defending against terrorism and incorporate tools such as mass communication systems to protect the public and staff. Technology that delivers clear, calm, consistent and instant instructions to people in the event of an attack should meet the law’s requirements and fundamentally help to ensure their safety.
It’s vital that staff are empowered in terrorist situations to broadcast zoned alerts instantly via all the available channels to make people aware of the danger as soon as practically possible. Crucially, emerging technology will also allow venues to send targeted messages to attendees and staff in different zones of a venue simutaneously, adhering to the latest guidelines from UK Counter Terrorism Policing. This acts to guide people to the safest course of action based on their location, reducing casualties.

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